Meet Stephen Kae! He has worked for Sandboxx since February 2020 as a Director of Growth. He is responsible for building new products and features for Sandboxx that our customers ask for. Learn more about Stephen’s experience working at Sandboxx.

What first attracted you to work at Sandboxx?
I was introduced to Sandboxx through our former Chief Product Officer Craig Zingerline, who I had worked with in the past and has been a mentor of mine. After being introduced to the Leadership Team and learning about Sandboxx’s mission and culture it seemed like a great fit and I joined soon afterwards. I’m now approaching my third year with the team!
What is something unique about your team?
The Product Team’s mission is to build products and features that people will love, and to do so we’re always looking at the data to see various engagement trends and continuously seeking feedback from customers. It’s incredibly helpful that so many of our team members are Veterans and Milspouses – so we always get great internal feedback in tandem with those from our customers.
What is something you’re proud of that you’ve achieved at Sandboxx?
Conceptualizing and launching our Subscription Products. One of the first assignments new Product and Marketing Team Hires have is to learn more about our customers via 1-on-1 phone calls. After a few dozen customer calls we heard many people include motivational quotes, bible verses, and sports-related updates in their Basic Training Letters. We wanted to test the hypothesis that many more of our customers wanted to share similar updates to their recruits and if we could automate this.
Soon afterwards we tested a few versions of the Daily Drive and The Dispatch Weekly Newsletter on our Sandboxx Shop which began to show great traction and then we eventually added them into our app.
What does Sandboxx’s mission of connecting our military community mean to you?
It’s incredible how mission-driven Sandboxx is. As the company has expanded and we’re growing our suite of products, our CEO Sam Meek has continuously expressed how important it is to have our military community top of mind every step of the way.
It’s refreshing to know that we’re building products dedicated specifically for our nation’s service members and their loved ones and not another consumer monetization app.