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Navy Birthday Celebrates 244 Years of Service

On October 13, the U.S. Navy turns 244.  With that huge milestone comes a lot of history to celebrate.  Back in 1775, the Continental Navy...

US Navy Birthday

On October 13, the U.S. Navy turns 244. 

With that huge milestone comes a lot of history to celebrate. 

Back in 1775, the Continental Navy officially became the United States Navy. Since its inception, 15,000+ ships have served taking on missions from fighting off pirates to performing rescue missions at sea. 

Talk about an impressive branch with an equally impressive history.

In honor of the U.S. Navy birthday, we wanted to share some of the historic recruiting posters over the years that have encouraged Americans to become U.S. Navy Sailors.

Happy 244th birthday, U.S. Navy!  

Young Men Wanted for U.S. Navy

Distributed under CC-PD-Mark | PD U.S. Navy 

This recruiting poster encourages young men to sign up for the U.S. Navy circa 1909. Boasting “An opportunity for promotion and liberal pay to those who prove efficient” asks for only the best to apply. Pay increases and benefits have come a long way since then! 

A Wonderful Opportunity For You

U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, distributed under PD US FDA

This early 1900s recruiting poster shares the adventurous side of the U.S. Navy showcasing a Sailor carrying his bags and smiling the whole way. From the looks of it, Sailor uniforms haven’t changed much over the years. 

“Hit the Beach!” 

Official U.S. Navy image, distributed under CC-PD-Mark | PD US Navy

This recruiting poster from World War II featuring an LST-512 shows off one of the era’s famous amphibious warships known for carrying landing craft during war time. Reminiscent of an old school postcard, it invites recruits to join the Navy by enticing them with the excitement of life aboard warships. 

Gee! I Wish I Were a Man! 

Official U.S. Navy image, distributed under CC-PD-Mark | PD US Government 

Taking a direct hit on the male ego, this poster gets right to the point with a female dressed up in a male Sailor’s outfit. The recruiting poster calls on males to “be a man and do it” and sign up for the U.S. Navy during the early 1900s. 

Help Your Country!

Official U.S. Navy image, distributed under CC-PD-Mark | PD US Navy

This more dramatic recruiting poster showing battleships at sea pleads with the public to “Help Your Country!” by heading into the nearest Navy recruiting station. 

Don’t Miss Your Great Opportunity…

Official U.S. Navy image, distributed under CC-PD-Mark | PD US Navy

This poster is a public call for women to join WAVES, also known as the women’s branch of the U.S. Navy during World War II. WAVES stood for Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service. The organization’s foundation was signed into law by President Roosevelt to free up male personnel for sea duty.

242nd Navy Birthday 

242nd Navy Birthday poster 01
Official image of the U.S. Navy 

This simple patriotic poster shows off the red, white, and blue showcasing the Navy’s birthday among the words “Seapower to Protect and Promote.” The poster was used as a marketing material during the Navy’s 242nd birthday celebration.

Navy Birthday Celebrates a Powerhouse Military Branch 

This year the Navy celebrates decades of hard work by its Sailors on sea and land. 

What started out as two armed vessels has expanded into the largest and most powerful naval force in the world. Now it boasts over 300,000 active duty members, over 100,000 reservists, and nearly 300 deployable battle force ships ready to defend America. 

If you see a Sailor today, thank them for their service. Without them, the Navy wouldn’t have made it to its 244th birthday! 

Want to learn more about Navy life and career options? Be sure to read our recent post 7 Coolest Jobs in the Navy to Check Out

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