During the holiday season, the Army temporarily suspends operations at...
During the holiday season, the Army temporarily suspends operations at...
Each holiday season the Army shuts down basic training and...
The SS2 series shows that the Indonesian military is progressive...
The deaths, which happened on January 2024, are heartbreaking on...
In Week Eight of Army Engineer OSUT, Trainees enter the...
Welcome to the U.S. Army family! I’m Sergeant Major Kris...
The U.S. needs to replace its aging ICBM arsenal but...
The myth of the stress cards first appeared in the...
The Air Force's AI-piloted F-16 is now roughly equal in...
Special Operations Capability Specialists (SOCS) ensure the smooth functioning of...
Among the benefits that come with military service, military retirement...
Few exercises have damaged the mighty Raptor’s reputation more than...
Arguably, the most important training to undergo in order to...
Ukraine is set to receive about 60 F-16s and a...
To save time and ditch unneeded gear, the Army recently...
Your support and encouragement throughout basic training was an essential...
The Army launched the Future Soldier Preparatory Course in August...
Air Force Basic Training Graduation is an Airman or Guardian’s...
I was a Lieutenant at SEAL Team 1 when we...